Prescribed Responsibilities: UK Branches


This chapter applies only to a third country CRR firm in relation to the activities of its establishment in the UK.


Each of the responsibilities set out in this rule is a UK branch prescribed responsibility:

  1. (1) responsibility for the firm’s performance of its obligations under the senior management regime, including implementation and oversight (PR A);
  2. (2) responsibility for the firm’s performance of its obligations under the certification regime (PR B);
  3. (3) responsibility for compliance with the firm’s obligations in relation to its management responsibilities map (PR C);
  4. (4) responsibility for management of the firm’s risk management processes in the UK (PR AA);
  5. (5) responsibility for the firm’s compliance with the UK regulatory system applicable to the firm (PR FF);
  6. (6) responsibility for the escalation of correspondence from the PRA, FCA and other regulators in respect of the firm to the governing body and/or the management body of the firm, or, where appropriate, of the parent undertaking or holding company of the firm’s group (PR EE);
  7. (7) responsibility for management of the firm’s systems and controls in the UK (PR BB);
  8. (8) responsibility for the allocation of all UK branch prescribed responsibilities in accordance with 3.5 (PR E);
  9. (9) responsibility for management of the firm’s liquidity or, where a liquidity waiver is in place, the submission of information to the PRA on the firm’s liquidity position (PR HH);
  10. (10) responsibility for the production and integrity of the firm’s financial information and its regulatory reporting in respect of its regulated activities (PR Q);
  11. (11) responsibility for the firm’s performance of its obligations under Internal Governance of Third Country Branches 7 (PR X1).